By All Means I Agree Insurance SHOULD BE FREE!

♥ But it's not so pay your bill on time! *gasp* what a novel idea!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Innocence Unveiled ♥

This is called my innocence picture, my bible study for healing encouraged me to take a picture and think of nothing but my favorite innocent memory as a child and as an adult.
My favorite memory as a child would be sitting on my daddy's lap watching The Andy Griffith Show and sharing a root beer float. My favorite memory as an adult would be the first time Dan said "I love you" both are priceless moments and here is my picture of innocence. :) There you have it friends Innocence Unveiled

Heidi Pie Limited

My photo
I have an addiction to 100 calorie packs and crystal light singles, sad I know Ummmm I love Trader Joes, and Starbucks Um reading I like escaping the world for a while, I love laughing and having a good time, Oh IlDivo wow yeah they're awesome! the color pink !! Victoria Secret yes I love underware I will until the day I die wear cute underware not saggy hanes full coverage crap! being a dork.I love to cuddling up in a big soft blanket and reading for hours when time permits it. I'm rather sarcastic actaully very sarcastic, I laugh a lot usually at other people and yes myself too. I have shit depth perception which is often the cause of my laughter running into things is a regular occurence on my part farting does that too...